perm filename VDS.LES[H,DOC] blob sn#056648 filedate 1974-03-14 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
 00001 00001
 00009 00003	SAILON-69  Video Switch          CONSTRUCTION NOTES                 1
 00013 00004	SAILON-69  Video Switch          CONSTRUCTION NOTES                 2
 00016 00005	SAILON-69  Video Switch         LOGICAL ORGANIZATION                3
 00020 00006	SAILON-69  Video Switch         LOGICAL ORGANIZATION                4
 00023 00007	SAILON-69  Video Switch         LOGICAL ORGANIZATION                5
 00029 00008	SAILON-69  Video Switch         LOGICAL ORGANIZATION                6
 00032 00009	SAILON-69  Video Switch              WIRE LIST                      7
 00035 00010	SAILON-69  Video Switch              WIRE LIST                      8
 00037 00011	SAILON-69  Video Switch              WIRE LIST                      9
 00040 00012	SAILON-69  Video Switch              WIRE LIST                     10
 00042 00013	SAILON-69  Video Switch             Card Signals                   11
 00045 00014	SAILON-69  Video Switch             Card Signals                   12
 00048 00015	SAILON-69  Video Switch             Card Signals                   13
 00051 ENDMK
Operating Note 69	                                  15 May 1972

                            Video Switch
                             L. Earnest


The  Purpose  of the video switch is to distribute computer-generated
display channels from Data Disc and other television signals  to  any
displays  that  need them.  Overall, it is a 40 x 64 switch with some
special features.

The switch recieves 32 black/white channels and a  sync  signal  from
the  Data  Disc  display  generator and 7 gray-scale channels from TV
cameras, recievers, or whatever.  Each of  the  64  monitor  (output)
channels  can  simultaneously  view  any number of Data Disc channels
and/or one TV channel.    If more than one source  is  selected,  the
instantaneous  output is the "max" of the inputs, which is equivalent
to "or"ing for the binary channels.

Thus, an image from a  television  camera  can  be  overlaid  with  a
computer-generated  line  drawing  showing  what  the  computer  saw.
Alternatively, text might be shown on one Data Disc channel with line
drawings  on another so that one can be changed without affecting the

The ability to overlay video sources with binary images is limited to
sources that are synchonized with Data Disc.   This  is  expected  to
include  the  Quam  Video  Synthesizer  and  all  TV  cameras  in the
laboratory, but not the Cart camera or  other  outside  transmitters.
Thus  it  is  not  possible to simultaneously edit text and view your
favorite television program, alas.

The  internal  state  of  the  switch is defined by its 2310 latches,
which are controlled by the PDP-10 IO bus.  The output  bandwidth  of
the switch is about 10 MHz per channel, or 640 MHz overall.


	     Section			       Page
		1.  Construction Notes		1
		2.  System Programming		2
		3.  Logical Organization	3
		4.  Geography			6
		A.  Wire List			7
SAILON-69  Video Switch          CONSTRUCTION NOTES                 1


The design, construction, and debugging of the video switch  consumed
about  6  man-months  of  effort spread over a year and a half.  Lynn
Quam designed the analog  video  circuits,  Dick  Helliwell  provided
drawing  program  services,  Vic  Scheinman created the BNC connector
panel, and Bridge Stuart built the TV amplifier card.  L. Earnest did
the logical design, printed circuit card  layout,  control  card  and
backpanel  wiring,  and  general  hardware debugging.     Fred Wright
modified the timesharing monitor to accomodate the switch.

The  cost  of parts, including spares, and outside services  was about
as follows.
    $9242 : Total parts and outside services
	 800 : Containers
	     200 : 1/4 cabinet (DEC) @ $800
	     600 : double card cage & sockets (Cambion)
	4237 : Cards
	     100 : 2 wire-wrap cards & dip sockets (Cambion)
	     338 : PC card artwork plotting (TRW)
	    3450 : PC card fabrication (Teller Industries)
		     #  type    set-up  unit cost
		     20 switch	 140      110
		     12 mixer	  90       85
	     349 : PC card stuff & solder (Data Pathing)
		     #  type    unit cost
		     18 switch      10
		     13 mixer       13
	3600 : Components
	    1800 : 1400 TTL integrated circuits (Texas Instruments)
	    1200 : 100 MOS switches (Siliconix)
	     600 : discrete components
	605 : Power
	     325 : 5 volt, 37 amp., .15% (Lambda)
	     130 : 5 volt, 4.4 amp., .01% (Lambda)
	     150 : 22 volt, 3.3 amp., .01% (Lambda)
Considering  that there are 64 output channels, this is equivalent to
$143 per channel, or $3.57 per crosspoint counting both digital (32 x
64) and analog (8 x 64) crosspoints.

No dip testing was performed prior to assembly and less than 0.5%  of
the TTL dips were found to be defective.  Unfortunately, 18 out of 97
MOS switches were bad.  I  don't  know  whether  they  were  dead  on
arrival or were zapped later.

Four-layer  printed  circuit  cards   were   fabricated   by   Teller
Industries,  with  difficulty.  Of  34  cards  delivered,  4  had  or
developed internal shorts between power and ground planes and had  to
be  discarded.  Another  2 had shorts between signal feedthroughs and
the power plane. These were saved by cutting traces and dip pins  and
SAILON-69  Video Switch          CONSTRUCTION NOTES                 2

About 75% of the single-wire padless  feedthroughs  failed  to  plate
through.  Fortunately,  these  were on guard wires and the cards were
found to work without them.   Of the good boards, one took a dive  in
the  wave  soldering machine and was lost and some feedthoughs pulled
out on another during dip replacement.  Overall score:  over  50%  of
the  cards were or became defective in some way, neglecting component
failures, and 18% were irreparable.

There are 1300 wires on the  backpanel,  of  which  120  are  twisted
pairs.   It was hand-wrapped from a partial wire list and was without
connection error, although 5 or so broken wires and 2 shorts  to  the
ground plane were found.


The video switch is device 340.  In general, two instructions must be
executed to switch a given monitor channel, namely
	CONO 340,<monitor channel #>
	DATAO 340,[<channel map>]
The rightmost 6 bits of the CONO specify  which  of  the  64  monitor
channels  will  be  switched by the following DATAO.  Bits 0 to 31 of
the DATAO word specify which of the Data Disc channels are "on", with
bit  i  controlling  channel  i.  For example, [400000,,0] selects DD
channel 0, while [360000,,0] selects channels 1, 2, 3, and 4.

The rightmost 3 bits of the DATAO word select one of the  TV  sources
(codes 1 through 7) or none (code 0).  Bit 32 (fourth from the right)
is the "asynchronous" bit.  If it is  "0"  then  Data  Disc  sync  is
inserted.    In  this  case,  if  the  selected  TV  channel  is  not
synchronized with Data Disc, erroneous sync will  be  generated.   If
the  asynchronous bit is "1", then all Data Disc signals are blocked,
including sync.  Thus [1,,2] overlays TV channel  2  with  Data  Disc
channel  17 (octal), while either [14] or [777777,,777774] selects TV
SAILON-69  Video Switch         LOGICAL ORGANIZATION                3


The video switch is composed of four kinds of card and a lot of wire.
The control card listens to the TTL IO bus through an awkward set  of
connectors  at  its  front  end  and produces control signals for the
other  cards  (see  Figure  1).  The TV  card  contains  7  identical
amplifiers  that  control gain and offset of TV sources.  The control
card uses wire-wrap construction, while the TV card is soldered-wire.

                  Figure 1.  Control and TV Boards

		   _↓__				 ____
      ¬IOS[3:9] -→|    |			|    |
      ¬CONO CLR -→|    |→ ¬SSj			|    |
      ¬CONO SET -→| CON|→ ¬SMk		T[1:7] →| TV |→ TV[1:7]
      ¬DATAO CLR →|    |→ Ai			|    |
      ¬DATAO SET →|    |→ ¬B[00:43]		|    |
      ¬IOBD[0:35]→|____|			|____|

                           SIGNAL NOTATION

	  Signal names preceded by "¬" are low true.
	  For integer m and n, [m:n] means m, m+1, ..., n.
	  i means [0:3].  Thus Ai means signals A0,A1,A2,A3.
	  j means 0, 2, 4, 6.
	  k means [0:7].

                         SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS

Signals to the left of the Control board, above, are from TTL IO bus.
The other signals use octal numbers, as follows.

Ai are 4 address bits, which are latched from CONO bits 32:35.  These
    together with the select signals (below) determine which latches
    on the Switch and Mixer boards are set.
¬B[00:43] are the same as the 36 bits of the IO bus whenever a CONO or
    DATAO is being executed to this device.
DD SYNC is the sync signal from Data Disc.

¬SMk are the 8 select signals for Mixer boards.  They are decoded
    from latches set by CONO bits 30, 31 and 32 (decimal).
¬SSj are the 4 select signals for Switch boards.  They are decoded
    from latches set by CONO bits 30 and 31 (decimal).
SYNC is a buffered version of DD SYNC.

T[1:7] are the 7 video signals from cameras, video synthesizer, etc.

TV[1:7] are amplified and offset versions of T[1:7], with gain and
SAILON-69  Video Switch         LOGICAL ORGANIZATION                4

The 32 x 64 digital portion of the switch is divided into  a  4  x  4
array  of  identical  switch cards, each of which is an 8 x 16 switch
(see Figure 2).  These printed circuit cards have names of  the  form
Sij,  where  i  is  the  high  order  (octal)  digit of the Data Disc
channels connected to this board (0 through 3), and j represents  the
two  high  order bits of the output channels from this card (0, 2, 4,
or 6).  Each switch card listens to  its  control  signals  and  sets
internal  latches  accordingly,  one  bit  per  crosspoint, and these
latches control the selection of Data Disc Signals.

There  are  8  printed  circuit  mixer  cards,  one for each 8 output
channels.  They have names of the form Mk, where k is the high  order
digit  of  the monitor channel group (0 through 7).  Under control of
internal latches, each monitor channel is connected to one  of  8  TV
channels  (including  the  null  channel  0).  If called for, sync is
inserted and combined with the outputs of the  appropriate  4  switch

For more detail, see logic drawings and printed circuit artwork.

                     DISPLAY SIGNALS IN FIGURE 2
     (See Figure 1 for notation and control signal descriptions)

¬Dik are the 32 Data Disc channel signals (TTL).

M[00:77] are the 64 output channels, which go to monitors.

¬X[000:377] are the 256 crosstie signals between the Switch and Mixer
    cards.  Each represents the contribution of 8 Data Disc channels
SAILON-69  Video Switch         LOGICAL ORGANIZATION                5

           Figure 2.  Switch Cards Sij and Mixer Cards Mk

       ¬SS0 Ai         ¬SS2 Ai         ¬SS4 Ai         ¬SS6 Ai      
	 _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________
	|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
¬B0k --→|            |-→|            |-→|            |-→|            |
	|     S00    |  |     S02    |  |     S04    |  |     S06    |
¬D0k --→|            |-→|            |-→|            |-→|            |
	|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
	|____________|  |____________|  |____________|  |____________|
	  | |    ↓        | |    ↓        | |    ↓        | |    ↓      
	  | |¬X[000:017]  | |¬X[020:037]  | |¬X[040:057]  | |¬X[060:077]
	 _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________
	|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
¬B1k --→|            |-→|            |-→|            |-→|            |
	|     S10    |  |     S12    |  |     S14    |  |     S16    |
¬D1k --→|            |-→|            |-→|            |-→|            |
	|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
	|____________|  |____________|  |____________|  |____________|
	  | |    ↓        | |    ↓        | |    ↓        | |    ↓      
	  | |¬X[100:117]  | |¬X[120:137]  | |¬X[140:157]  | |¬X[160:177]
	 _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________
	|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
¬B2k --→|            |-→|            |-→|            |-→|            |
	|     S20    |  |     S22    |  |     S24    |  |     S26    |
¬D2k --→|            |-→|            |-→|            |-→|            |
	|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
	|____________|  |____________|  |____________|  |____________|
	  | |    ↓        | |    ↓        | |    ↓        | |    ↓      
	  | |¬X[200:217]  | |¬X[220:237]  | |¬X[240:257]  | |¬X[260:277]
	 _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________    _↓_↓________
	|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
¬B3k --→|            |-→|            |-→|            |-→|            |
	|     S30    |  |     S32    |  |     S34    |  |     S36    |
¬D3k --→|            |-→|            |-→|            |-→|            |
	|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
	|____________|  |____________|  |____________|  |____________|
	         ↓               ↓               ↓               ↓     
	    ¬X[300:317]     ¬X[320:337]     ¬X[340:357]     ¬X[360:377]

	  ¬Xi0k   ¬Xi1k   ¬Xi2k   ¬Xi3k   ¬Xi4k   ¬Xi5k   ¬Xi6k   ¬Xi7k 
       ¬SM0 |  ¬SM1 |  ¬SM2 |  ¬SM3 |  ¬SM4 |  ¬SM5 |  ¬SM6 |  ¬SM7 |
	 ↓__↓    ↓__↓    ↓__↓    ↓__↓    ↓__↓    ↓__↓    ↓__↓    ↓__↓   
	|    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  
A[1:3] →|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |
¬B4i --→| M0 |-→| M1 |-→| M2 |-→| M3 |-→| M4 |-→| M5 |-→| M6 |-→| M7 |
SYNC --→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |
TV[1:7]→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |-→|    |
	|____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  
	  ↓       ↓       ↓       ↓       ↓       ↓       ↓       ↓     
SAILON-69  Video Switch         LOGICAL ORGANIZATION                6


The  card  cage has two rows of sockets, which we shall call "A", for
"above" and "B", for "below".  Each socket has pins numbered  from
1 to 70.  The switch cards, being double height, connect to both rows
so we distinguish their two sets of pin numbers with an  "A"  or  "B"

The other cards, being single height, carry an A or B prefix on their
position  number  to  indicate  the  row  in  which  they reside. The
locations of the cards are as follows, for no good reason.
    location, card name	    location, card name
	1	S36		B11	M5
	2	S34		A12	M0
	3	S32		B12	M4
	4	S30		A14	CON
	5	S26		B14	TV
	6	S24		16	S16
	7	S22		17	S14
	8	S20		18	S12
	A9	M3		19	S10
	B9	M7		20	S06
	A10	M2		21	S04
	B10	M6		22	S02
	A11	M1		23	S00
The card names are also stuck onto the backpanel.

Components on cards are  divided  into  lettered  rows  and  numbered
columns.  Components  nearest the top of the card are in row "A", the
next row down is "B", etc.  Those nearest the backpanel are in column
"1" and successive columns are numbered sequentially.

As  an  aid to locating logical groups of components on switch cards,
each group is labeled with its section address  (0  to  17).  Similar
section  numbering  appears on the mixer card artwork, but not on the
cards themselves.

In general, wire colors are keyed to the signal number modulo 4, as
follows:     # mod 4	wire color
		0	green
		1	orange
		2	blue
SAILON-69  Video Switch              WIRE LIST                      7

                       APPENDIX A.   WIRE LIST

All backpanel wires and corresponding signal names are listed below.
Twisted pairs are indicated by a notation of the form n*2 in  the  "#
of wires" column, below.  There are 1063 single wires and 120 twisted

Notation  of  the  form  "T[11:13]"  refers  to  T11,  T12,  and T13.
Certain lower case letters stand for specific groups  of  alternative
integers, as follows:
    i = [0:3] = 0, 1, 2, or 3
    j = 0, 2, 4, or 6
    k = [0:7]
All  signal  numbers  are  given  in  octal; pin numbers are decimal.
Signal names preceded by "¬" are low true.

The following socket names are used.
    CON - Control card
    TV - TV amplifier card
    Sij - Switch card connecting Data Disc channels i0 through i7 to
	monitor channels j0 through j0+17.
    Mk - Mixer card for monitor channels k0 through k7.
    D - BNC sockets for Data Disc channels 00 through 37.
    SYNC - BNC socket for Data Disc sync signal.
    T - BNC sockets for television sources.
    M - BNC sockets for monitor channels.
The card sockets are labeled on the backpanel.  The BNC  sockets  are
located on the plugboard below the card cage and are labeled there.

    +5 volts (digital), 0.15% regulation		134
+5D	power plane	CON	23,24,58,59	 4
			Sij	T[11:13]	48
				T[46:48]	48
			Mk	3,6,38,41	32
			TV	27,62

    +5 volts (analog), 0.01% regulation			 16
+5A	supply		Mk	8,43		16

    +15 volts						  2
+15	supply		TV	17,52		2

    -22 volts, 0.01% regulation				 18
-22	supply		TV	25,60		 2
SAILON-69  Video Switch              WIRE LIST                      8

    Address bits, latched from rightmost 4 bits of CONO. 88
A0	CON	67	Sij	B42		16
A1	CON	68	Sij	B40		16
			Mk	36		 8
A2	CON	69	Sij	B38		16
			Mk	2		 8
A3	CON	70	Sij	B36		16
			Mk	1		 8

    Following are the same as the 36 bits of the	160
IO bus whenever a CONO or DATAO is being executed for
this device.
¬B0	CON	1	S0j	A54		 4
¬B1		2		A52		 4
¬B2		3		A58		 4
¬B3		4		A60		 4
¬B4		5		B46		 4
¬B5		6		B50		 4
¬B6		7		B44		 4
¬B7		8		B48		 4
¬B10	CON	9	S1j	A54		 4
¬B11		10		A52		 4
¬B12		11		A58		 4
¬B13		12		A60		 4
¬B14		13		B46		 4
¬B15		14		B50		 4
¬B16		15		B44		 4
¬B17		16		B48		 4
¬B20	CON	17	S2j	A54		 4
¬B21		18		A52		 4
¬B22		36		A58		 4
¬B23		37		A60		 4
¬B24		38		B46		 4
¬B25		39		B50		 4
¬B26		40		B44		 4
¬B27		41		B48		 4
¬B30	CON	42	S3j	A54		 4
¬B31		43		A52		 4
¬B32		44		A58		 4
¬B33		45		A60		 4
¬B34		46		B46		 4
¬B35		47		B50		 4
¬B36		48		B44		 4
¬B37		49		B48		 4
¬B40	CON	50	Mk	5		 8
¬B41		51		40		 8
¬B42		52		4		 8
SAILON-69  Video Switch              WIRE LIST                      9

    Data Disc sync signal				  1*2
DD SYNC   SYNC		CON	61		 1*2

    Data Disc channels (32 TTL levels), each		32*2+96
terminated with 150 ohms to ground (on BNC panel) and
150 ohms to +5D (on back panel).
¬Di0	D	i0	Sij	B54		4*2+12
¬Di1		i1		B52		4*2+12
¬Di2		i2		A66		4*2+12
¬Di3		i3		A68		4*2+12
¬Di4		i4		A64		4*2+12
¬Di5		i5		A62		4*2+12
¬Di6		i6		B56		4*2+12
¬Di7		i7		B58		4*2+12

    Ground.						202
G	ground plane	CON	19:21,54:56	 6
			TV	2,4,6,8+j,20,21	 9
				37,39,41,43+j	 7
				55,56		 2
			Sij	A[8:10],B22	64
				A[43:45],B57	64
			Mk	10,12,14	24
				45,47,49	24

    Monitor (output) signals				64*2
Mk0	Mk	69	M	k0		8*2
Mk1		34		k1		8*2
Mk2		33		k2		8*2
Mk3		35		k3		8*2
Mk4		68		k4		8*2
Mk5		70		k5		8*2
Mk6		32		k6		8*2
Mk7		67		k7		8*2

    Select signals for mixer cards; decoded from	 8
latches set by CONO bits 30, 31, & 32 (decimal).
¬SMk	CON	28+k	Mk	37		 8

    Select signals for switch boards,decoded from	16
latches set by CONO bits 30 & 31 (decimal).
¬SSj	CON	63+j/2	Sij	A70		16

    Buffered version of DD SYNC				 9
SYNC	CON	26	Mk	42		 8
SAILON-69  Video Switch              WIRE LIST                     10

    Television signals from cameras,etc.		 7*2
T1	T	1	TV	36		1*2
T2		2		38		1*2
T3		3		40		1*2
T4		4		42		1*2
T5		5		44		1*2
T6		6		46		1*2
T7		7		48		1*2

    Amplified and offset versions of T[1:7].		7*2+49
TV1	TV	1	Mk	44		1*2+7
TV2		3		46		1*2+7
TV3		5		48		1*2+7
TV4		7		13		1*2+7
TV5		9		7		1*2+7
TV6		11		11		1*2+7
TV7		13		9		1*2+7

    Crosstie signals from switch cards to mixer cards.	256
¬Xij0	Sij	B70	Mj	54+i		 16
¬Xij1		B35		19+i		 16
¬Xij2		B33		23+i		 16
¬Xij3		B68		15+i		 16
¬Xij4		B66		58+i		 16
¬Xij5		A40		50+i		 16
¬Xij6		A42		62+i		 16
¬Xij7		A3		27+i		 16
¬Xi[j+1]0 Sij	B70	M[j+1]	54+i		 16
¬Xi[j+1]1	B35		19+i		 16
¬Xi[j+1]2	B33		23+i		 16
¬Xi[j+1]3	B68		15+i		 16
¬Xi[j+1]4	B66		58+i		 16
¬Xi[j+1]5	A40		50+i		 16
¬Xi[j+1]6	A42		62+i		 16
¬Xi[j+1]7	A3		27+i		 16

    Following is high when CONO or DATAO is being	0
executed to this device.  Brought out for debugging.
SAILON-69  Video Switch             Card Signals                   11

                      APPENDIX B.  Card Signals

The signal on each pin  of  each  card  type  is  given  below.   For
descriptions of signals and notational conventions, see Appendix A.


Pin  Signal	Pin  Signal		Pin  Signal	Pin  Signal
---  ------	---  ------		---  ------	---  ------
  1  ¬B0	 36  ¬B22		  1  TV1	 36  T1
  2  ¬B1	 37  ¬B23		  2  G		 37  G
  3  ¬B2	 38  ¬B24		  3  TV2	 38  T2
  4  ¬B3	 39  ¬B25		  4  G		 39  G
  5  ¬B4	 40  ¬B26		  5  TV3	 40  T3
  6  ¬B5	 41  ¬B27		  6  G		 41  G
  7  ¬B6	 42  ¬B30		  7  TV4	 42  T4
  8  ¬B7	 43  ¬B31		  8  G		 43  G
  9  ¬B10	 44  ¬B32		  9  TV5	 44  T5
 10  ¬B11	 45  ¬B33		 10  G		 45  G
 11  ¬B12	 46  ¬B34		 11  TV6	 46  T6
 12  ¬B13	 47  ¬B35		 12  G		 47  G
 13  ¬B14	 48  ¬B36		 13  TV7	 48  T7
 14  ¬B15	 49  ¬B37		 14  G		 49  G
 15  ¬B16	 50  ¬B40		 15		 50
 16  ¬B17	 51  ¬B41		 16		 51
 17  ¬B20	 52  ¬B42		 17  +15	 52  +15
 18  ¬B21	 53  ¬B43		 18  		 53
 19  G		 54  G			 19		 54
 20  G		 55  G			 20  G		 55  G
 21  G		 56  G			 21  G		 56  G
 22  ZAP	 57			 22		 57
 23  +5D	 58  +5D		 23  SYNC	 58
 24  +5D	 59  +5D		 24		 59
 25		 60			 25  -22	 60  -22
 26  SYNC	 61  DD SYNC		 26		 61
 27		 62			 27  +5D	 62  +5D
 28  ¬SM0	 63  ¬SS0		 28		 63
 29  ¬SM1	 64  ¬SS2		 29		 64
 30  ¬SM2	 65  ¬SS4		 30		 65
 31  ¬SM3	 66  ¬SS6		 31		 66
 32  ¬SM4	 67  A0			 32		 67
 33  ¬SM5	 68  A1			 33		 68
 34  ¬SM6	 69  A2			 34		 69
SAILON-69  Video Switch             Card Signals                   12

                           SWITCH CARD Sij

Note that the variables i and j below are bound to the card index Sij.

Pin  Signal	Pin  Signal		Pin  Signal	Pin  Signal
---  ------	---  ------		---  ------	---  ------
 A1  ¬Xi[j+1]0	A36  ¬Xi[j+1]2		 B1  G		B36  A3
 A2  G		A37  G			 B2  G		B37  G
 A3  ¬Xij7	A38  ¬Xi[j+1]1		 B3  G		B38  A2
 A4  G		A39  G			 B4  G		B39  G
 A5  ¬Xi[j+1]4	A40  ¬Xij5		 B5  G		B40  A1
 A6  G		A41  G			 B6  G		B41  G
 A7  ¬Xi[j+1]3	A42  ¬Xij6		 B7  G		B42  A0
 A8  G		A43  G			 B8  G		B43  G
 A9  G		A44  G			 B9  G		B44  ¬Bi6
A10  G		A45  G			B10  G		B45  G
A11  +5D	A46  +5D		B11  G		B46  ¬Bi4
A12  +5D	A47  +5D		B12  G		B47  G
A13  +5D	A48  +5D		B13  G		B48  ¬Bi7
A14  G		A49  G			B14  G		B49  G
A15  G		A50  G			B15  G		B50  ¬Bi5
A16  G		A51  G			B16  G		B51  G
A17  G		A52  ¬Bi1		B17  G		B52  ¬Di1
A18  G		A53  G			B18  G		B53  G
A19  G		A54  ¬Bi0		B19  G		B54  ¬Di0
A20  G		A55  G			B20  G		B55  G
A21  G		A56  G			B21  G		B56  ¬Di6
A22  G		A57  G			B22  G		B57  G
A23  G		A58  ¬Bi2		B23  +5D	B58  ¬Di7
A24  G		A59  G			B24  +5D	B59  +5D
A25  G		A60  ¬Bi3		B25  +5D	B60  +5D
A26  G		A61  G			B26  G		B61  G
A27  G		A62  ¬Di5		B27  G		B62  G
A28  G		A63  G			B28  G		B63  G
A29  G		A64  ¬Di4		B29  ¬Xi[j+1]6	B64  ¬Xi[j+1]7
A30  G		A65  G			B30  G		B65  G
A31  G		A66  ¬Di2		B31  ¬Xi[j+1]5	B66  ¬Xij4
A32  G		A67  G			B32  G		B67  G
A33  G		A68  ¬Di3		B33  ¬Xij2	B68  ¬Xij3
A34  G		A69  G			B34  G		B69  G
SAILON-69  Video Switch             Card Signals                   13

                            MIXER CARD Mk

Note that the variable k below is bound to the card index Mk.

		    Pin  Signal	    Pin  Signal
		    ---  ------     ---  ------
		      1  A3	     36  A1
		      2  A2	     37  ¬SMk
		      3  +5D	     38  +5D
		      4  ¬B42	     39  ¬B43
		      5  ¬B40	     40  ¬B41
		      6  +5D	     41  +5D
		      7  TV5	     42  SYNC
		      8  +5A	     43  +5A
		      9  TV7	     44  TV1
		     10  G	     45  G
		     11  TV6	     46  TV2
		     12  G	     47  G
		     13  TV4	     48  TV3
		     14  G	     49  G
		     15  ¬X0k3	     50  ¬X0k5
		     16  ¬X1k3	     51  ¬X1k5
		     17  ¬X2k3	     52  ¬X2k5
		     18  ¬X3k3	     53  ¬X3k5
		     19  ¬X0k1	     54  ¬X0k0
		     20  ¬X1k1	     55  ¬X1k0
		     21  ¬X2k1	     56  ¬X2k0
		     22  ¬X3k1	     57  ¬X3k0
		     23  ¬X0k2	     58  ¬X0k4
		     24  ¬X1k2	     59  ¬X1k4
		     25  ¬X2k2	     60  ¬X2k4
		     26  ¬X3k2	     61  ¬X3k4
		     27  ¬X0k7	     62  ¬X0k6
		     28  ¬X1k7	     63  ¬X1k6
		     29  ¬X2k7	     64  ¬X2k6
		     30  ¬X3k7	     65  ¬X3k6
		     31  -22	     66  -22
		     32  Mk6	     67  Mk7
		     33  Mk2	     68  Mk4
		     34  Mk1	     69  Mk0